Piccadilly Publishing Piccadilly Publishing / W. HOCK HOCHHEIM


W. Hock Hochheim

W. Hock Hochheim is a former military police patrolman and investigator, a former Texas patrol officer and detective, and former private investigator. During his career, spanning three decades he worked in "line operations" only, and he's investigated more than a 1,000 crimes and arrested nearly as many suspects.

He has graduated from numerous, national Assault and Violent Death police schools and street survival courses. He also organized protection and security for famous authors, politicians, musicians, TV and movie stars. Over the last 50 years Hock has studied martial arts and hand, stick, knife and gun combatives, earning numerous black belts in multiple systems.

As of 2019 Hock has written 19 books on fighting, history, true police experiences and action crime novels and westerns. Hock is currently writing for Wolfpack Publishing in Las Vegas and all martial books and films for GMB in Germany.

SWELLEN'S RECKONING is the first in the Renegade General series available digitally from Piccadilly Publishing or hard copy direct from Hock's Website

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