THE ANGEL SERIES by Frederick H. Christian "Terrific Westerns ... quite definitely among the very best stories being written by anyone, anywhere!" - George G Gilman author of the bestselling EDGE series
The day Frank Angel shows up in Liberty he's looking for Harry Culp, a man on the run. Angel doesn't realize he's walking into a dangerous situation that has nothing to do with Culp. The threat comes from the corrupt Judge Cranford and the town sheriff, Sherman. When Angel steps in to help a young woman he's arrested and falsely accused and sentenced to six-months hard labor in the prison camp run by Cranford and his brutal henchmen. It's too late for Culp, who is already dead, and Cranford believes he has everything neatly under control. But he and his bunch don't realize who they have in their midst.
Frank Angel is an undercover operative, and not a man you want against you. Beaten and framed, Angel is about to fight back and it's already too late for the sadistic Cranford and his crew. Angel is mad and getting madder by the minute. What he discovers at the camp only adds fuel to the fire, and when Angel starts to burn, anything that stands in his way is going to be razed to the ground. Hell has nothing on Frank Angel when he makes his final stand ... and Liberty will never forget that day!
Published August 01, 2015Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
George Willowfield learned a long time ago that in life everything had to be paid for. You paid in money, blood, or sweat or time, but you paid. For George, the easiest way was money. So he stole a train and asked the US government for $250,000 to get it back. That's when Frank Angel stepped in - to deliver the ransom and trail the guy who collected it - until he got the money or the guy. The government doesn't like to be held up and Frank was there to see the debt paid - one way or another!
Published March 01, 2015Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
Nix was a gunrunner and a killer. He turned Frank Angel's sidekick loose - naked and unharmed - into the Valley of Death. Nix promised to come after him some time. Angel's mission was to find his friend's killer - but history repeated itself, and it was Angel who was alone in the desert. The hunter became the hunted.
Published January 01, 2015Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
The big man knew that with no one left who could connect him with the train robbery, he was almost clear. No one, that is, except Frank Angel, special investigator for the US Justice Department. And Hainin realized that there was no stopping the lawman's pursuit. He might get away clear with the money, but Angel would never quit looking for him ... never forget. It was a pity. But if Hainin was to ever know peace, Angel had to die!
Published October 01, 2014Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
The Department of Justice wanted Yancey Blantine badly! The killer and his renegade crew had wiped out a town and slaughtered everyone in it, before running for the shelter of Mexico. The Attorney-General gave the order to follow Blantine's trail and bring him in alive. He knew one man who could do it - Frank Angel - but he also knew what trouble Angel would face. Meanwhile, through the wild and empty land, the Blantines put out the word ... kill Angel!
Published May 01, 2014Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
When Frank Angel arrived in Madison, the town was abuzz with the news of Marshal Sheridan's arrest of Burt Hugess, with everyone agreeing that Sheridan was in for a rough ride in bringing him to justice. Angel wanted no part in the impending dangers, but when the Department of Justice ordered him not to leave town he knew he was already involved. With Larry Hugess locking the town up tight to stop word getting out to the US Marshal, Angel would have to team up with Sheridan. And that meant nothing but bad news for the outlaw.
Published March 01, 2014Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
Frank Angel had walked right into a whipsawing, in spite of all his Justice Department training. But he just couldn't sit in the Silver King and watch while the town marshal cold-cocked a defenseless kid. So Angel shot the gun out of the marshal's hand. And as a result, he had to face the wildest, hottest gun battle of his career, an exploding, firebombed jail in a town that had been run too long by greed and ruled by terror; a town where law and order were ridiculed, and justice was just a rumor.
Published July 01, 2013Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
The renegades had hit three Army posts. All they took were guns and ammunition: until the last raid. That time they got away with a Gatling gun. Now, somewhere out there, was a gang with enough firepower to take on the United States Army. Find them, the Justice Department told Angel. And stop them. What they didn't know was that out of the empty, lawless land, every trigger-happy gunslick in the territory had been given the word: when you see him coming, trap Angel. And kill him.
Published March 01, 2013Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
The town was locked up tight. Hired killers made it unhealthy to ask questions and most people rode clear of Daranga. But three Justice Department men had died violently in the Rio Blanco country and the attorney general wanted the men responsible. He had a sure-fire way of cleaning out cesspools like Daranga - send Frank Angel. Here was a gun artist who was swift, deadly and merciless. If anyone could bring law and order to the town, it was Angel.
Published November 01, 2012Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
Swift, deadly and merciless were the raiders who hit the Kansas ranch and when they rode out they left behind two men dead and a woman who wouldn't make it through the night. With a stolen Army payroll in their saddlebags they ran for the border and although they covered their back-trail well, someone was on it. He was a man with a gun, determined to hunt every one of them down. His name was Angel and the name of his game was sudden death. And so the Justice Department put their best man into the field with one simple instruction. Before he kills every one of them - find Angel!
Published September 01, 2012Recommended Price: $2.99/ £2.99 |
The boom in westerns got even bigger in the 1970s and for the first time in a very long time, American publishers began looking seriously at the work of the Piccadilly cowboys, myself among them. As a result I was commissioned by Pinnacle Books in New York and Sphere in London to write a new series, this time featuring a hero who had more in common with James Bond than Wyatt Earp. His name was Frank Angel and he was different for another reason: his name was that of a real Presidential investigator, Frank Warner Angel (1845-1906) , who was a troubleshooter for the Attorney-General of the United States. He was sent to New Mexico in 1878 by the Department of Justice to investigate the murder of English rancher and businessman John H. Tunstall and a gaggle of politicians, one of whom was the Governor of New Mexico, Samuel B. Axtell. No prizes, then, for guessing where the idea came from.
The first book in the series--Find Angel--was published in 1974 and was followed by another eight titles over the next three years.
They weren't, they aren't Great Literature, of course.
No Piccadilly cowboy ever expected to be compared with the great American western writers who were around then -- Jack Schaefer, Ernest Haycox, Dorothy M. Johnson, Elmore Leonard, Luke Short, Alan LeMay, Paul Horgan, Will Henry, Wayne D. Overholser and half a hundred others. But we tried as hard as we could to emulate them, in the process sometimes going so far as to create what the French call hommage.
© Frederick Nolan
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