Piccadilly Publishing 

His code was simple: stay alive to deliver the goods
and don't step aside for any man
His name was ...


Piccadilly Publishing / Hawk by William S. Brady

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Bushwack Bounty!

When the kid stepped out of the shadows and called him killer, Hawk didn't have a lot of choice. It was kill or be killed—but it didn't end there.

They came after him from all quarters, deadly gunslingers with only blood and money mirrored in their eyes.

And Hawk no longer had just himself to protect. Now there was the woman ...

Published November 01, 2025
Recommended Price: £2.50




Blood along the border!

Jesus Martinez was worth $1,000 to Jared Hawk—dead.

The Mexican had killed Matthew Kilpatrick. The dead man's daughter hired Hawk to bring her the Mexican's corpse.

That kind of meeting had only one outcome. And only one survivor...

Published August 01, 2025
Recommended Price: £2.50



Blood bounty!

Hawk was just passing through Santa Rosa ...

Until outlaws hit the bank and he left them spilling blood on the street.

Charles Sweeney owned most of the town—he needed a man like Hawk to carry $20,000 through to Tucson. But Sweeney's wife had other plans for the gunfighter, and she was watched by a killer called Ace.

Hawk found himself caught up in a murderous double-cross with only one way out ....

Hawk's way ... The killing way!

Published May 01, 2025
Recommended Price: £2.50



They said Jack Shade killed his first man when he was fifteen.

That he robbed his first bank when he was a year older.
That he had more notches on his Colts than he had years. Jack Shade was a man you didn't cross … and stay alive!.

Jared Hawk crossed Jack Shade. .

He wanted the outlaw killer … and took $5,000 of Shade's money to use as bait in a trap with only one outcome: death! … his own way!

Published March 01, 2025
Recommended Price: £2.50



Hawk didn't know it, but they were waiting for him. A pack of killers in amongst the shadows and the skeleton bones of the ghost town.

A killer in black leather with a blade swift as death. .

A crazy albino with a laugh like a jackal and blood lust to match. A kid called Johnny who was too handsome for his own good ….

What they didnt know was that Jared Hawk always settled his debts … his own way!

Published January 01, 2025
Recommended Price: £2.50



It was just another poker game, until Hawk drew the dead man's hand. Aces and eights, the hand Hickok was holding when he went down in a hail of bullets. The hand that meant somebody was going to die …

Hawk wasn't the one who died that night. And the gunfight that followed got him a job—on the trail of Pole, the outlaw who gunned down his betrayer and taken the man's daughter as his revenge. Hawk caught up with them in New Mexico.

Pole was already a dead man. But he didn't know it until Hawk's guns came out …

Published October 01, 2024
Recommended Price: £2.50



Women spell trouble … Kidnap spells death!

The Willard brothers didn't know what they were letting themselves in for when they took Ben King's wife off the train. She was beautiful and her husband was rich … Rich enough to hire Jared Hawk to bring his wife back and kill the men who took her.

Hawk didn't like King's methods, but the big man's money spoke loud enough to persuade him, so he took the job. It didn't look too difficult …

Not until he got tangled up in a spider's web of lethal intrigue.

But Hawk had a way of solving problems … with a .45 caliber lead slug!

Published July 01, 2024
Recommended Price: £2.50



Jared Hawk wasn't looking for a fight.

Not until the marshal at Eagle Pass decided his woman was looking too long at the gunfighter, and threw Hawk in jail.

It was pure chance that the Kincaid gang chose then to raid the town. And the marshal made up his mind Hawk was one of them … and decided to hang him.

Hawk got offered a simple choice: wait around for the rope or go after the outlaws.

Kincaid's men were mean. Natural killers. But so was Hawk.

He rode out to clear his name the only way he knew how … with a gun …

Published April 01, 2024
Recommended Price: £2.50



The gates of death open!

The bull was big and black and deadly ... 1700 pounds of pure killing machine. One man had already spilled his guts out over those horns ... and his friends wanted revenge.

That didn't matter to Hawk. One thousand dollars did. And that was what the Mexican offered if Hawk could deliver the bull down the long trail to Mexico City. What he didn't know was that someone had posted a contract on the animal, so he faced enemies at both ends of the trail.

But Hawk had a direct answer to anyone who tried to stop him ... it came flaming from the barrel of his gun.

Published January 01, 2024
Recommended Price: £2.50



The settlers at Rising Star wanted Jared Hawk to clean up their town - he took their money and pinned on the marshal's badge and promised to do it.

He didn't go back on his word when he faced James Hunter's hired guns.

Or when he learned the truth about the woman who hired him.

Or when he found out just who they wanted him to kill ...

Published October 01, 2023
Recommended Price: £2.50




Jared Hawk wasn't looking for a fight. But he wasn't walking away when the Mexican called him out ... he killed the pistolero.

Hawk wasn't to know that the man's brother headed an outlaw gang working the Border county - until Luis Brava to his revenge.

But things turned bad and he took a job riding herd on a prisoner due to be hanged. It should of been simple ...

He left Hawk to die. That was a mistake, because hawk wan't the kind of man to die easy. He went looking for his own personal vengeance. And when he got hired to track the Brava Gang, he had two reasons for doing the job the only way he knew ... violently!

Published July 01, 2023
Recommended Price: £2.50



Jared Hawk stank of death.

It hung about him like gunsmoke and the sour smell of drying blood. He thought he'd take life easy for a while: enjoy some whiskey, a woman and nothing more. Leave his Colt .45 in its greased holster.

But things turned bad and he took a job riding herd on a prisoner due to be hanged. It should of been simple ...

But life never worked out that way for Hawk. Before he could earn his $400 and the hangman could settle his roped around the killer's neck, Hawk's gun was back in action and the stench of death hung once more in the air.

Published April 01, 2023
Recommended Price: £2.50



Jared Hawk rode into Santa Maria on the trail of a Mexican outlaw with a $1000 bounty on his head.

He wasn't prepared to the fact that he was riding into a revenge war between the Mexicans and the Apache Nation - until the people of Santa Maria offered him one thousand dollars American to get them out to safety. Down a trail that was lined with blood-hungry Indians.

Hawk took the money and gave his word - and he wasn't the kind of man who went back on a promise.

Even when it meant losing a woman to the hard code that demanded blood for blood ... and a life for a life.

Published January 01, 2023
Recommended Price: £2.50



When Jared Hawk helped the black gunman, Aaron Turner, bring in a wanted man it was one more job - a few extra dollars in his pocket.

He didn't know he was riding into the hellfire center of a range war. Nor that he'd find himself on the other side, facing Turner over the blazing muzzle of a Colt. 45.

But Hawk had a simple coded: kill first and ask questions later.

If there was anyone alive to answer ...

Published November 01, 2022
Recommended Price: £2.50



Jared Hawk was a gunfighter. His talent for killing was up for hire - if the price was right.

Philip Garrett hired Hawk to take him and his niece, Sarah Lee, through to Los Angeles, but a pack of professional guns blocked the road.

Before Hawk reached the City of the Angels all his gun skills were brought to bloody use, and the old California trail was marked with gravestones...

Published September 01, 2022
Recommended Price: £2.50

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