Piccadilly Publishing Piccadilly Publishing / Hunter's Choice by Neil Hunter


Hunter's ChoicePPP1

From Neil Hunter, winner of the Western Fictioneers' prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award 2020, comes a new gun-swift collection featuring some of his most popular characters!

New Novellas feature Jason Brand in THE RECKONING, where the job at hand becomes a vengeance hunt, and no mercy is shown.

Seth Tyler in SETH'S LAW, in which the young marshal of Hope, Colorado, has to make a stand against a powerful enemy and even tougher odds.

US Marshal Alvin LeRoy in WHITE SANDS - RED BLOOD, where the wounded marshal remains determined to see his latest manhunt through to the bitter end.

and Bodie the Stalker, unleashing mayhem on a bunch of bank robbers as only he can in DEATH COMES TO JUBILATION.

Also includes the stand-alone story THE KILLING AT TELEGRAPH HILL.

  • Price: 1.99 USD - Prices may vary by region and retailer
  • Publication date: 03 June 2021
  • Original Author Credit: Mike Linaker

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