Piccadilly Publishing




Thunder in the west

Mart Storm cantered through the long New Mexico evening in a land where a man expects guitar music and the smiles of beautiful, hot-blooded women.

They came for him in the half-light.

One of them knocked him out of the saddle with a single shot, then another fired point-blank to blow his brains out. But the light was bad. The bullet no more than ripped along the parting in his hair, creasing his skull.

The devil, as the saying goes, looks after his own.

Mart Storm should have died that night. A lesser man would have been dead within the hour. But Mart wasn't a lesser man. He wasn't going to die in New Mexico - the men shot him were, only they didn't know it yet.

6th in the blazing cattlemen saga which in 1972, the Daily Mirror said of Matt Chisholm: "...has one of the biggest world sales of any author - seven million in eleven countries have bought his tales..."

Published April 01, 2014
Recommended Price: $0.99 / £0.99 (exc VAT)

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