Piccadilly Publishing


Piccadilly Publishing / Golden Hawk Book 5: KILL HAWK / by Will C. Knott


Golden Hawk 3

It started when a gravely injured trapper named Pete Foxwell stumbled into Hawk's cabin. before he died, he showed Hawk a bagful of gold coins and told him about a hidden hoard of them. But he didn't say where.

Hawk should have buried those coins with Pete's corpse. but instead he spent them on supplies and let slip the story of the treasure waiting to be found.

Suddenly Hawk found himself the most wanted man in the west ... as a gang of ex-sailors turned land pirates went after his hide ... a vengeful Indian girl and a voluptuous white widow went after his body. And even his best friends couldn't be trusted not to join the pack that wanted to grease their rush for gold with Hawk's blood ...

      Price: 1.99 USD - Prices may vary by region and retailer
      Publication date: 15 June 2021
      Originally Published: Signet 1987

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