Piccadilly Publishing 



by Rory Black

Piccadilly Publishing / Iron Eyes the Fearless by Rory Black


Iron Eyes 16

Iron Eyes outgunned the Lucas gang following their robbery of the San Angelo bank, but there was just one problem.

The sheriff had been wounded in the fight and was in no condition to pay out the reward money. Iron Eyes decided to kill time at the local saloon - where he ran straight into Joe Kane, another outlaw with a price on his head. Before he knew it, he was back on the manhunt trail, this time headed for heavily-forested Indian territory. And that brought a whole new set of problems ...

He came under attack from a band of Cheyennes, and fought until his guns were empty. After that it was just a matter of time before they took him prisoner.

Tethered to a stake as triumphant Indian war-cries echoed all around him, all he could do was await his fate silently. To the Indians, his courage in the face of death was almost supernatural. But the Cheyennes didn't know that their captive was Iron Eyes ... Iron Eyes the Fearless!

  • Published January 01, 2022
  • Recommended Price: 0.99 GBP
  • Price will vary by region and retailer
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