Piccadilly Publishing




Over Your Dead Body by Tony Masero

Jim Sundance, half-white, half-Cheyenne gunslinger returns in this brutal action Western adventure from best-seller John Benteen.

Sundance, the professional fighting man of the plains and the Baron from the Austrian Court made a deal. For $35,000 the big man with the bronzed face and the yellow hair would take the nobleman into deadly Apache territory to search for Emperor Maximilian of Mexico's priceless treasure of lost jewels. Sundance, the professional fighting man of the plains and the Baron from the Austrian Court made a deal.

Before it was over, Sundance would meet Cochise, chief of the Chiricauhuas, and together with a luscious young woman, face his closest crapshoot with death. And a score of men's bones would bleach on the floor of Dead Man's Canyon.

Published November 01, 2013
Recommended Price:
$1.99 USD
£1.23 GBP

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