Piccadilly Publishing Piccadilly Publishing / Wilderness Double Western series by David Robbins


Wilderness 20


In the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, there are the hunters and the hunted. Legendary mountain man Nate King had taught his son to be an excellent hunter. But now Zach finds himself the prey was a vicious killer stalks his every move. Athena Borke will stop at nothing to take vengeance upon the man she believes killed her brothers. Her goal - to capture Zach King and make him suffer a slow death. And she's concocted a plan sure to bring her bitterest enemy straight into her trap. When Athena captures Zach's younger sister, his fury knows no bounds. Even with the help of his wife and their old friend Shakespeare McNair, Zach will have to pull out every truck his father taught him-and add a few of his own - if he hopes to survive.


Raised in the harsh Colorado Rockies, Zach King knows the wilderness. He can track his way through the thickest forest and bring down the most dangerous beasts. But his most recent quarry has moved the game to a whole new ground: New Orleans. Hot on the trail of Athena Borke - the vicious woman who kidnapped his sister, Evelyn - Zach must adjust to a whole new set of rules in this vipers' den of corruption. From gator-infested swamps to a mansion with the most sinister reputation, Zach will brave it all to save Evelyn's life, even if it means forfeiting his own.

      Price: 3.50 USD - Prices may vary by region and retailer
      Publication date: 06 October 2019
      Originally Published: Leisure Books 2004

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